Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is an “in-between” day; a day of waiting in unknown and confusion. Often we skip over it, thinking nothing of it. But for those first Christ-followers, it must have felt like one of the worst days of their lives. Jesus was dead, and they didn’t know that he was going to raise from the dead the next day. Although we know Jesus did rise from the dead, we too also are in an “in-between” moment, as we wait for Jesus’ second coming. We know what it is to long for things we desire but have yet to see. We are familiar with the confusion that comes with now knowing how things will turn out. 

At some point today, take a moment to name the things you are waiting for, longing for, uncertain about, confused about. Don’t be afraid to tell Jesus all about them. Maybe light a candle as a sign of the hope that we do have, that one day our longings will be satisfied, all wrong will be put right, all uncertainty will be shored up. Jesus is coming! 

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